Sexy soldiers… upgraded with beards!

Maintenance for your beard 101 Right now, legions of mustachioed men are counting down the minutes until December 1st to finally rid their upper lips of the hair they've grown in support of November. However! There are also an untold number of newfound beard enthusiasts out there who've no doubt taken a liking to the look and feel of facial hair. For the latter bunch, here's a quick and simple primer on keeping your new beard looking fresh and healthy...
The B E S T beard oils Beard oils aim to soften beards, keep the hair (and skin beneath) healthy and reduce irritation. They come in a variety of aromas, and although we’ve listed some of what we think are the best smelling below, it is of course subjective, so make sure to go for a scent you’ll probably be fond of. Nothing feels as good as a groomed beard on your man! We rounded up some follicle fulsome fellows...
Sexy soldiers… upgraded with beards! Soldiers have been discussing the idea behind closed doors and in open forums for years, but the push to research the possibilities and make a decision really picked up earlier this year, according to the Army G-1 uniform policy sergeant major. The old adage is true: Ask (and ask and ask and ask and keep asking till your mom gets sick… wait, what?) and you shall receive. The Army is in the midst of a...