The B E S T beard oils

Beard oils aim to soften beards, keep the hair (and skin beneath) healthy and reduce irritation. They come in a variety of aromas, and although we’ve listed some of what we think are the best smelling below, it is of course subjective, so make sure to go for a scent you’ll probably be fond of.

Nothing feels as good as a groomed beard on your man!

We rounded up some follicle fulsome fellows to put these oils to the test.

  1. Fit for Vikings Hálendið:com, if you would prefer not to have an aroma cling to your face after usage, or if you’ve got particularly sensitive skin, opt for scentless oil like this one.
  2. Ricki Hall’s Booze and Baccy:com, thankfully, this one doesn’t actually smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Rather, it’s got an alluring, herbal scent which wasn’t too overpowering when we applied a couple of drops each day (the amount we used for each of these oils).
  3. Baron Bergamot and Orange: Amazon, Our long-bearded tester reported that this relatively cheap oil certainly did the job. Hair looked and felt considerably smoother after a couple days’ usage, there was no unwanted irritation and the agreeable orange scent lingered for around an hour.

As we mentioned earlier, which of these beard oils smells the best is very much open to debate, and down entirely too personal preference. But our favorite scent came courtesy of Percy Nobleman, and seeing as it was wonderfully adept at softening, taming and conditioning the beard and skin below, it gets the nod from us.


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